Mandarin Translation
According to New Age experts, there is a difference between angels, spirit guides and guardian angels.
In recent years, more and more people have been turning to New Age concepts such as spirit guides and guardian angels. According to a study published in 2008, half of Americans believe in angels. However, people’s beliefs and ideas about what angels are, what they do and where they come from may differ. Here’s a brief description of angels and spirit guides.
What are Angels and Archangels?
According to Doreen Virtue, a well-known angel expert, angels are beings of light and love; they are messengers of God. Dr Virtue believes that within the angelic realm, there is a hierarchy of angels with each order of angels fulfilling important but varying roles. Some of the different types of angels are said to include archangels, angels, cherubim and seraphim.
Archangels are believed to be a higher order of angels. Doreen Virtue's books contain incredible detail about the functions, auras and even the personalities of the archangels. Many religious texts also make reference to angels and archangels. The more commonly known archangels are Michael, Gabriel and Raphael and they all have specific jobs to do, such as protection, healing, inspiring creativity etc.
Guardian angels are closest to human beings. According to Doreen Virtue, all humans have at least two guardian angels. Their main role is to protect and guide people through life’s ups and downs.
What are Spirit Guides? How are Guides Different From Angels?
There have been numerous New Age books written about spirit guides. They are thought to be beings that have been assigned to guide people through life. The number of spirit guides varies from person to person. Some guides stay with their human charges throughout the person’s whole life, others will only stay with people for a short period of time. Others still will enter people’s lives to assist when a specific skill or inspiration is required.
Spiritual healers believe that spirit guides have lived previous lives and they have strong bonds with their human charges as a result of having known them in at least one previous life. Spirit guides could also be deceased relatives, guiding and protecting people from the spirit world.
Difference Between Angels and Spirit Guides - It's About Where They Come From
Based on many New Age texts, it appears the main difference between angels and spirit guides is that angels have never lived as humans, whereas many spirit guides have lived previous lives on this planet. Also, angels are beings of pure light, carrying God's messages. They have a very high frequency of vibration, whereas spirit guides have a lower frequency of vibration.
It's generally believed that neither angels nor spirit guides will interfere with people's lives, unless it’s a matter of life or death. However, when asked to help, it's thought that both angels and guides will provide wonderful, insightful protection and gentle, loving guidance.
So, if you feel the need for guidance you can call on any of the archangels, your own guardian angels or spirit guides. And while there appears to be a difference between angels and spirit guides, New Age experts believe they are all happy to help out when asked.
According to New Age experts, there is a difference between angels, spirit guides and guardian angels.
In recent years, more and more people have been turning to New Age concepts such as spirit guides and guardian angels. According to a study published in 2008, half of Americans believe in angels. However, people’s beliefs and ideas about what angels are, what they do and where they come from may differ. Here’s a brief description of angels and spirit guides.
What are Angels and Archangels?
According to Doreen Virtue, a well-known angel expert, angels are beings of light and love; they are messengers of God. Dr Virtue believes that within the angelic realm, there is a hierarchy of angels with each order of angels fulfilling important but varying roles. Some of the different types of angels are said to include archangels, angels, cherubim and seraphim.
Archangels are believed to be a higher order of angels. Doreen Virtue's books contain incredible detail about the functions, auras and even the personalities of the archangels. Many religious texts also make reference to angels and archangels. The more commonly known archangels are Michael, Gabriel and Raphael and they all have specific jobs to do, such as protection, healing, inspiring creativity etc.
Guardian angels are closest to human beings. According to Doreen Virtue, all humans have at least two guardian angels. Their main role is to protect and guide people through life’s ups and downs.
What are Spirit Guides? How are Guides Different From Angels?
There have been numerous New Age books written about spirit guides. They are thought to be beings that have been assigned to guide people through life. The number of spirit guides varies from person to person. Some guides stay with their human charges throughout the person’s whole life, others will only stay with people for a short period of time. Others still will enter people’s lives to assist when a specific skill or inspiration is required.
Spiritual healers believe that spirit guides have lived previous lives and they have strong bonds with their human charges as a result of having known them in at least one previous life. Spirit guides could also be deceased relatives, guiding and protecting people from the spirit world.
Difference Between Angels and Spirit Guides - It's About Where They Come From
Based on many New Age texts, it appears the main difference between angels and spirit guides is that angels have never lived as humans, whereas many spirit guides have lived previous lives on this planet. Also, angels are beings of pure light, carrying God's messages. They have a very high frequency of vibration, whereas spirit guides have a lower frequency of vibration.
It's generally believed that neither angels nor spirit guides will interfere with people's lives, unless it’s a matter of life or death. However, when asked to help, it's thought that both angels and guides will provide wonderful, insightful protection and gentle, loving guidance.
So, if you feel the need for guidance you can call on any of the archangels, your own guardian angels or spirit guides. And while there appears to be a difference between angels and spirit guides, New Age experts believe they are all happy to help out when asked.