Thursday, July 22, 2010

"Are YOU Ready for 2012"

Many scientists believe humanity is about to make an evolutionary leap forward because of the energy of our increasingly active sun. But how does the sun impact on the earth's magnetic field and on our psyches? Or on our political and economic systems? And what does this have to do with the 2012 predictions of the Mayas and of Christianity? Should we really start to get ready for a new era, and if so, how? (Extracted from here)

There are so many information spread widely through mass media inclusive the movie named as “2012” (Directed by: Roland Emmerich), which further illustrates that by the year 2012, it will be the end of the world as many predicted calamities and catastrophes will continuously happen in different part of the world.

Look at the repeated floods happened recently (respectively in June & July’10) in our country. Due to the climate change globally, consecutive heavy downpour by Typhoon Conson have brought in more rain than before, which caused a flash floods at some unexpected areas such as Orchard, a shopping paradise and housing estate such as Bukit Timah.

Geographically, Singapore's climate is classified as equatorial with no true distinct seasons but affected by monsoon seasons which happen twice each year. The first one is the Northeast Monsoon which occurs from December to early March. The second is the Southeast Monsoon season which occurs from June to September. Periods between monsoon seasons receive less rain and wind. In conclusion, from March till May/June is considered as Dry Season in Singapore, but please look at the current climate now, the so called Dry Season is replaced by heavy downpours with flash floods that I think most of us are unacceptable.

You may want to ask me , “How 2012 is related to all these incidents?” Diana Cooper, a therapist, healer and author of A New Light on Angels, who written a book called “2012 And Beyond – An Invitation to Meet the Challenges & Opportunities Ahead”. She explained that the recurring of calamities and catastrophes in different part of the world is the process of transformation and ascension that our Mother Earth (ie. GAIA) is undergoing Energy Cleansing at the moment. According to another author of “2012 Awakening”, Sri Ram Kaa mentioned that for many years the chaotic energy has often been sent to the core of our planet. In the past recent years, our planet has already begun to release the chaotic energy through what you seen as calamities, and it is time for us as human being to be responsible to release our negative energy in a more proper and guidance way.

There are so many ancient prophecies and predictions foretell that the world will end on December 21, 2012. Yet, as this date approaches most of us do not know where we are headed or why we are here. Therefore, discover your deeper soul purpose and prepare for the important choice of 2012 is important at this point of time, you can either (i) continue on the path of destruction or (ii) ascend to the new spiritual realm? This all rely on your self-consciousness which will bring you either towards an Ascension Awareness or continue to live in Density consciousness.

Density consciousness within us has blocked our clarity and connection to the Higher-Self (Divine Guidance). Healthy diet - Vegetarian choice(like consumption of organic produce/products), and some practices which elevate our energy level (through New Age /Ancient practice like Angelic Guidance, visualisation, Emotional Release, yoga exercise, yogi diet, meditation, chakra cleansing & etc) are equally important to maintain a high energy level within our physical body, in order to prepare ourselves for the ascension. As we are holding onto the density energies without properly processing and releasing them, they manifest tumors, depression, illness and other diseases of the physical body needlessly.

So, as time flies in blinks and 2012 is approaching, the question is “Are YOU Ready for 2012?”

By Jess Chong, 21-July-2010

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

"2012 And Beyond" Well Worth Reading for Everyone

Full Description of "2012 and Beyond" (Author: Diana Cooper)

Diana Cooper's inspirational book reminds us that 2012 offers the greatest opportunity for spiritual growth that there has ever been. She takes us through the ancient prophecies for 2012, what is expected to happen in that year and the incredible changes the world will see in the twenty years beyond. She offers forecasts for 2032, the time when new Golden Cities will arise and everyone will live in the fifth dimension. Cooper concludes with practical information to help you prepare for your role in the incredible transformational shift the world is about to experience. She offers forecasts for 2032, the time when new Golden Cities will arise and everyone will live in the fifth dimension. Cooper concludes with practical information to help you prepare for your role in the incredible transformational shift the world is about to experience.

Monday, July 19, 2010

SPECIAL HIGHLIGHTS on Sept 4 - 6 "3D2N Yorganic Retreat"






· 以纯净的有机食物 ,滋养您那疲惫的身,让其協助您排毒及提升能量, 使精神活力充沛;学习如何以更自然、简单的生机饮食方法,制造一个碱性的内在环境,滋养您的细胞健康成长。
· 从观赏“有机草药园”中,聆听农场主人细细道来,农场中的一草一木皆有其神奇疗效,增加个人对本土天然草药的知识与功用,也可以购买种子或草药植物,做为家里的草药守护神,所谓的“家有一[草],如有一宝”。

· “瑜伽”,是以有系统的瑜伽体位法来伸展肌肉,肌腱与关节,平和腺体内分泌,进而将情绪障碍从心中清除。
· 除了能将生命的视野拓展到生化的观点外,并且还提醒我们生命是同时存在许多不同的层次中,并且唤醒您对生命的喜悦与热忱。
· 而瑜伽的本质,是能帮助我们在多重层次的差异中找到身、心、灵的连结。
· 在这活动中,您将有机会聆听到有关“瑜伽与瑜伽饮食法,如何提升您的能量与健康”,内容包括有:-

Part I (瑜伽)
Ø 瑜伽简介
Ø 瑜伽与您的能量 - 瑜伽如何提升您的能量与集中精神,让您更处之泰然的应付每天工作与生活 Ø 瑜伽体位法与脉叢轮{能量中心}之间的微妙关系
Ø 什么是脉叢轮?
Ø 测试脉叢轮能量的妙方

Part II (瑜伽饮食法)
Ø 瑜伽饮食法 - 绝佳的素食选择! 环保及维护地球健康的选择
Ø 瑜伽饮食科学观- 对我们的健康有什么好处?
Ø 为什么要素食及素食如何影响我们的身体健康?
Ø 食物的选择如何影响您的个人能量?
Ø 现代科学食物分类:- 碱性 或酸性食物
Ø 古代瑜伽饮食食物分类: 悦性、变性 及 惰性食物 (如何区别?)

何须考虑?现在就马上报名参加提升您的个人"身、心、灵"各方面的能量,准备好迎接2012年更高更纯净的光和爱 (Love & Light)!!!


Friday, July 16, 2010

What are Angels, Guides and Guardian Angels?

Mandarin Translation

According to New Age experts, there is a difference between angels, spirit guides and guardian angels.

In recent years, more and more people have been turning to New Age concepts such as spirit guides and guardian angels. According to a study published in 2008, half of Americans believe in angels. However, people’s beliefs and ideas about what angels are, what they do and where they come from may differ. Here’s a brief description of angels and spirit guides.

What are Angels and Archangels?
According to Doreen Virtue, a well-known angel expert, angels are beings of light and love; they are messengers of God. Dr Virtue believes that within the angelic realm, there is a hierarchy of angels with each order of angels fulfilling important but varying roles. Some of the different types of angels are said to include archangels, angels, cherubim and seraphim.

Archangels are believed to be a higher order of angels. Doreen Virtue's books contain incredible detail about the functions, auras and even the personalities of the archangels. Many religious texts also make reference to angels and archangels. The more commonly known archangels are Michael, Gabriel and Raphael and they all have specific jobs to do, such as protection, healing, inspiring creativity etc.

Guardian angels are closest to human beings. According to Doreen Virtue, all humans have at least two guardian angels. Their main role is to protect and guide people through life’s ups and downs.

What are Spirit Guides? How are Guides Different From Angels?

There have been numerous New Age books written about spirit guides. They are thought to be beings that have been assigned to guide people through life. The number of spirit guides varies from person to person. Some guides stay with their human charges throughout the person’s whole life, others will only stay with people for a short period of time. Others still will enter people’s lives to assist when a specific skill or inspiration is required.

Spiritual healers believe that spirit guides have lived previous lives and they have strong bonds with their human charges as a result of having known them in at least one previous life. Spirit guides could also be deceased relatives, guiding and protecting people from the spirit world.

Difference Between Angels and Spirit Guides - It's About Where They Come From

Based on many New Age texts, it appears the main difference between angels and spirit guides is that angels have never lived as humans, whereas many spirit guides have lived previous lives on this planet. Also, angels are beings of pure light, carrying God's messages. They have a very high frequency of vibration, whereas spirit guides have a lower frequency of vibration.

It's generally believed that neither angels nor spirit guides will interfere with people's lives, unless it’s a matter of life or death. However, when asked to help, it's thought that both angels and guides will provide wonderful, insightful protection and gentle, loving guidance.

So, if you feel the need for guidance you can call on any of the archangels, your own guardian angels or spirit guides. And while there appears to be a difference between angels and spirit guides, New Age experts believe they are all happy to help out when asked.