Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Falling in LOVE with LIFE again - by Cristin

Article extracted from (page 26 & 27)

"Miracles happen when you stop trying to change what is and just let the Universe deliver the opportunities for happiness."

We can find ourselves emotionally stagnate and lost for many years at a time, carrying a negative belief system about what life ultimately holds in store for us. We can find ourselves moving between the light & dark moments, and due to our own actions, unable to provide our mind, body and soul the appropriate fuel needed to actually survive in a healthy manner.
We can feel as though we will never get what we really want, mo matter how hard we try - believing that life owes us, that we have done all the work and paid our dues in spades, yet have nothing to show for it.
To get different results we have to try another way. We all know this, but when we're knee deep in drama and feeling lonely or scared, there's a tendency to float toward people who don't have our best interests at heart, carry a negative belief system or keep ourselves frozen in time. Our belief system needs to be consistently open and positive so we don't miss out on grand opportunities for CHANGE because we're so focused on what we don't have.
Until we have learned how to master the art of LETTING GO, we will continue to experience the same thing over & over again. Believe me, I should know and it's not very much fun!
LETTING GO is a 1-2-3 process that takes an enormous amount of faith and time. When I say let go, I mean give everything up to the Universe and believe you are getting what you need to achieve the life you really want, even if it doesn't feel so great. It's easier said than done, but the results are nothing short of amazing.


All you're doing here is finding an understanding of the past and current situation, then training your brain to stop wanting to change what is. The only person you can control is YOU. This takes a lot of patience, but if you want something bad enough you'll stop at nothing to reach that goal, right? The goal being peace of mind and self-empowerment (just thought I'd be clear on that one!). The best way to stay on through this experience and it's just a stepping stone.


"To err is human, to forgive divine."
We've all heard that one and it's easier said than done - but it's totally possible. Again, you just have to want it bad enough. True forgiveness is breaking the cycle of playing the "BLAME game". This means letting go of who did what to whom and allowing yourself to be the victim. Relationships, no matter what kind, are a two-way street and each person needs to be 100% accountable for their role in the demise. It doesn't matter what the situation is. If you think you're ready to try and forgive someone, it's best to believe that their choice(s) don't affect you anymore, then release the person & situation to the Universe.


Depending on how strongly you were affected by the person and/or situation in question, steps 1 & 2 can take months or even years to complete. The timeframe is strictly up to you and nobody else. Moving on truly begins when you've hit rock bottom and are at the point where the only place you can go is up. This step is the action part of the process, but comes in 2 phases.

Phase 1 - The Back and Forth

You will probably swing from positive to negative thoughts regarding your past in the situation in question and your future. This is all very natural, however, should not be dwelled upon for very long. Feel the pain or angst, then let it go. Trust that all the work you've done is not only good enough, but profound enough to implement change in divine time.

Phase 2 -  Change Your Lifestyle

This is the time for Action. Take part in activities that you used to love or new ones that you know will make you happy. Get rid of all the dead weight, which includes leaving people and/or situations that bring you down. It's important to NEVER stay in a situation if your heart and soul are screaming agony. When invited to do something that is not a danger to your spirit, but is something you wouldn't normally do, try it. This is how the miracle of a life change occurs. All you have to do is OPEN YOUR MIND and MAKE A NEW CHOICE (BE MINDFULNESS). It could be the one that changes your life forever .......
The elements that can delay the letting go process and real change are as follows:-
  • Being fearful of the process and the future
  • Holding on to past anger and pain
  • Having a lack of faith in yourself
  • Beating yourself  up for things you think you've done wrong
  • Not putting forth a real effort to do some things differently
  • Not being fully accountable for your actions - past and present
  • Believing that your future will be the same as your past
  • Not accepting the reality of your situation (also know as DENIAL)
  • Comparing yourself and life to other peoples
As long as we're alive, we will never rid ourselves of the trials that life sends our way, but we can work through them and come out shining in the end. Remember, the only thing in life you can control are your own thoughts, feelings and actions (BE MINDFULNESS).  Also understand that this process should never be a competition between you and another. When you adopt that bad intent, it will not only hinder your progress, but will make you look bad to the people you're trying to impress.
So how you know when the process is working? Well, nobody's life is the same, but you will definitely start attracting situations and people that you feel are on the same page as yourself. You will be happier with the outcomes of those situations and will find stability within them. For the most part, your fear will have subsided and your confidence will sky rocket. Your faith will be restored. Most importantly, you will be attracting the life you want without feeling the need to manipulate. The result? You will finally start to fall in love with your life again.
I went through the process of letting go so many times in my life and for so many different reasons. I've tried working the system using a million methods, but the only one that worked was giving everything up to the Universe, truly believing I will get what I really want out of life.
Having complete faith in this process, God and the Universe could be the hardest venture you can undertake. Our beliefs carry immense power, and when you add thoughts, words and actions to the mix, you can end up in a place you didn't think was possible, good or bad.
 "Miracles happen when you stop trying to change what is ......"
For most people who feel like they're stuck in a hole they can't get out of, manipulation becomes the last resort to finding their way out. Manipulation is a very strong word that usually denotes negative connotation, but it doesn't always begin that way. When we're emotional about someone or something, trying to dictate what will be and how it should be done seems to be the most common,  reactive force. Through mine and others' experiences, I've found this method to be extremely unsuccessful.
There's only so much you can manifest and only so many wishes that can be granted as requested. If we're not doing something right, the Universe usually steps in to guide us in a direction that will actually produce results that is in our highest good. When we get to the point of no return, having a force we can't control taking over can feel like the worst thing that's ever happened to us. We can suddenly and dramatically find ourselves thinking "hang on, this isn't what I signed up for!" Actually, it's exactly what we signed up for, but it doesn't appear that way at first glance. Ok, not just the first.
LETTING GO IS NOT GIVING UP - it is waking up to our current reality and leaving all our great expectations at hell's gate. Letting go makes it  is possible to fall in love with the life that you thought you never wanted. It really is true: Miracles happen when you stop trying to change what is and just let the Universe deliver the opportunities for happiness.
The article was first published at CommunityServer/UserBlogPosts/MysticWonder01/Falling-In-Love-With-Life-Again--Part-Two/390915.aspx