Monday, May 3, 2010

Learning Unconditional Love In a Conditional World

This article extracted from "2012 Awakening, Choosing Spiritual Englightenment over Armagedon" by Sri Ram Kaa & Kira Raa

You need not look for God
Either here or there
He is not farther away than the
Door to the heart
There he stands, waiting till
He finds you ready to open the door
There is only one thing you must do:
Open and enter.


Tough playing fields produce strong warriors. Spiritual warriors who cultivate their heart and wisdom in spite of terrible odds and outside forces conspiring against them inspire our hearts. In the modern world we have, among others, Gandhi, Martin Luther King, and Mother Teresa as examples. The benevolence of Spirit knows that ultimately all will find their way home to the Divine. The Light within cannot be destroyed; however, it can often be disregarded.

To aid those who are awakening to their Divine Source, masters incarnate here from time to time to help us remember the way home. Great Light-bearers such as Abraham, Moses, Jesus the Christ, Mohammad, Babaji, Buddha, Lao Tzu, and many others have appeared on Earth to fan the flames of awakening. These masters remind us to seek a deeper understanding of Self than the veil has to offer.

Dogma was inevitable on a planet shrouded under veils of illusion. Belief patterns resulting in dogma began innocently as an effort to assist others in finding their way. The followers of the masters created dogmatic belief systems that became the accepted means of teaching the masters’ works. It has been stated that it was not the intention of the Buddha to create Buddhists, and the same may be said for other great masters. The religions were created later. All dogma turns into a restrictive interpretation that becomes an externalization. Once a person accepts an externalized truth as “the way,” that soul has disconnected from its Inner Source, and will be entrenched in density, the playground of dogma.

Your ability to break free from this restrictive energy is contingent upon your direct mystical understanding. Without your direct connection, dependency upon an intermediary occurs. The pattern of disconnect or externalization will prevent you from finding the Bliss of Direct Communion.

Intermediaries, or wisdom holders, often support a system of hierarchy that generates a self-perpetuating system of separation. In many cases, religion has become a coping mechanism for the masses. It provides a sense of community and, for the most part, a direction, while quietly expecting that every member of the congregation will fall short of true Divine Expression. If you believe that you require help, then you are easily manipulated because you are judging yourself as deficient. If you believe that the answers lie outside yourself, then you will be held captive by those who claim to hold the mysteries in their secret chambers.

The modern mystic requires only one thing: Self-trust. The doors of knowledge have swung wide open! The secrets are revealed! For example: Tibetan Buddhism, once very reclusive and secretive, has swept across the planet, in part due to the constriction of Tibet by the Chinese. Other spiritual teachings as well are now available to all –the Truth cannot be available to only the few. Yet, out of habit, most people now look to a new authority for interpretation of Truth!

The guru has become a New Age author, charismatic minister, or a self-help authority. This transference may open you to some new information, but it will keep you ever one step removed from Source. Begin to trust yourself; it is at that point when you can claim your Divine Authority. You are a Master…You are the Guru!

The vibrational level of the planet offers energetic support for you to recognize Truth and reconnect with your soul’s knowing. Until you open to your Divine channel within, the only empowerment you will experience from most external gurus is that of a spiritualized ego.
The ego will gladly pirate away your spiritual growth, for the ego seeks control. The ego is a pirate and a master of deception and disguise. For now, just understand that a true teacher is one who cultivates your freedom, not your dependency!

A true teacher will help you develop Self-trust, and nourish you inner knowing. A true teacher celebrates your growth, champions your freedoms, and above all models this gift through their own life expression, not just through their words.

You know you are on the right path when you outgrow several teachers along the way! You will know you are on the right path when your inner life offers greater peace than anything in the outer world.