Thursday, February 27, 2014

《感触篇 – 1》 & 《感触篇 – 2》

写于新加坡   2014118  905AM

《感触篇 – 1

有时清明似一面镜子, 有时竟污浊不清如死水,


这些都是真的吗? 就到此为止不加细观吗?


写于新加坡  2014118  1039AM

《感触篇 – 2

感恩一路上的一草一木, 一物一景,
满脑子的迷思困惑着我 让我动弹不得,

《2013年 - 北京正念师资之心路历程》

写于北京正念师资之旅, 2013113




《2013年 - 新西兰 正念师资之心路历程》

写于新西兰正念师资之旅, 2013630



虽然我们在同一空间、 时间相遇并互相学习,


Thursday, December 20, 2012


Slow Food 慢食

Article extracted from here.

The Slow Food movement aims to preserve cultural cuisine and in so doing to preserve the food plants and seeds, domestic animals and farming within an ecoregion. The slow food movement has become a social and political movement capable of resisting the dehumanising effects of large-scale, commercial food production

Connect over food and the fast-food industry. If you are interested knowing more about slow food and how it sits within the slow movement, In Praise of Slow : How a Worldwide Movement Is Challenging the Cult of Speed by Carl Honore will give you what you are after. Honore was a self-professed speedaholic and his book will make you rethink your relationship with time.

The Slow Food movement has its origins in the 1980s in Italy. When McDonald’s planned to build an franchise outlet near the Piazza di Spagna in Rome in 1986, Carlo Petrini organised a demonstration in which he and his followers brandished bowls of penne as weapons of protest. Their demonstration was successful and soon after, Carlo founded the International Slow Food Movement which runs counter to the fast food, fast life, non-sustainable food production and the eroding of local economies.
The time was right for this movement and by the 1990s Slow Food had grown hugely and was developing a new political dimension, lobbying the EU on trade and agricultural policy and working to save endangered foods. This expansion in focus is one reason for the organisation’s growth since 1995 – growing from 20,000 to 65,000 members in 42 countries. Carlo Petrini has written a number of books on Slow Food. Perhaps the most readable and interesting is Slow Food (The Case For Taste) which provides a philosophical understanding and a history of the movement. Sounds dry but it isn't. The book give convincing arguments to persuade us to take care in what, and how, we consume.

Recent developments include the establishment of the Slow Food Foundation for Biodiversity, whose mission is to organise and fund projects that defend our world’s heritage of agricultural biodiversity and gastronomic traditions. The foundation envisions a new agricultural system that respects local cultural identities, the earth’s resources, sustainable animal husbandry, and the health of individual consumers.

One of the key tenets of Slow Food is the belief in the right to pleasure. The Slow Food Manifesto declares that:
A firm defence of quiet material pleasure is the only way to oppose the universal folly of Fast Life We have lost many of the traditionsl and artisan recipies that create the pleasures of dining socially. The Pleasures of Slow Food: Celebrating Authentic Traditions, Flavors, and Recipes is dedicated to preserving and promoting traditional foods, recipies and the pleasures of eating well. This book includes 40 traditional and easily doable recipies that excite us to put aside the time to produce truly gratifying food.

The slow food movement challenges us to think about how consumption choices we make form part of on interdependent network within a social economy – the pleasures of food preparation and consumption among friends and family helps develop social and cultural capital. Some places are setting out to be known as slow food destinations. Stradbroke Island off the Queensland coast has recently been recognised as the world's first Slow Island

An important component of the Slow Food movement is the commitment to educate children about the origins and taste of food – to help them to have a connection to the food they eat. It aims to help children develop their senses and their appreciation of food and the pleasure of eating as a gastronomic and social event.

Slow Travel 慢游

Article extracted from here.

One of the defining elements of slow travel is the opportunity to become part of local life and to connect to a place and its people. Slow travel is also about connection to culture. Gone are the hectic holiday tours where you flit from one ‘must see’ to another, and arrive home feeling like you need a holiday.

Joining in local happenings

Slow travellers stay in one place for at least a week. They usually choose holiday rentals ie houses, cottages, apartments, and villas that are a ‘home away from home’ – you shop and cook just as you would at home.

By living as opposed to ‘staying’ at your destination, you can experience the place more intensely. Not only do you have the opportunity to shop for your groceries, you see people in your community or village every day. You can go for a run each morning and stop at the same café for a coffee – meet the locals.

One of the pleasures of slow travel is the slow and thorough exploration of the local area – it is like an immersion process. Most slow travellers start by exploring everything within a couple of hundred metres of where they are living. This can easily be done on foot and is the area that is given most time and attention. Next they explore out to a few kilometres – this can easily be done on a bike. If there is time slow travellers then explore further afield, perhaps by train or hire car.

This slow exploration is in direct contrast to conventional travel that seeks to ‘hit’ the major tourist features in a 20 km radius. Slow travellers are freed from these tedious pressures of standard tourism. By exploring on foot and by bike there are Traditional ways of doing things opportunities to talk to people and find out the points of interest from their perspective.

If there is time, you can become involved in local activities eg take a language or cooking course, volunteer for a local organization or group, study Buddhism, volunteer at a local school to teach English or another language you know, or try wwoofing (willing workers on organic farms).
Slow travel is comfortable – you have your own home where you can spread out. You can have a day off too, if you want to.

You could design your slow travel around working to support the disadvantaged. Check out what you could do to help in a developing country such as India or Vietnam. Use your skills to help others. In the process you will get to know another culture and its people. You will be working and living at the local level and so will develop relationships with local traders and local people. A new word has been coined to describe this kind of slow travel – voluntourism.

Mindful Living (Slow Living) 慢活/乐活

Article extracted from here.

Many of us, professionals and regular people, alike are feeling their lives are overly hectic or emotionally out of kilter, and are looking for ways to restore the balance. We are looking to leading a mindful life.

Living a mindful life seems more difficult now than it was in the past. The fast life is all around us – fast food, fast cars, fast conversations, fast families, fast holidays. We may be living great lives but we aren’t ‘there’ for them. We don’t take the time to linger over food, over friends, over our family etc. We are not savouring our life and are starving of the real connection to our life.

The solution is self-explanatory. We slow down and connect with our life. But often it is easier said than done. Each fast aspect of our life is necessary for other fast aspects to happen, and we have been fooled into thinking we need, or even must, be fast and have what the ‘fast life’ gives us.
If we don’t listen to our bodies and to that little voice in our head that is telling us to slow down we may succumb to the myriad of health conditions that are a result of leading fast, stressful lives. The biological costs of ignoring stress are staggering, manifesting in cardiovascular and other systemic diseases and even, new research shows, in accelerated aging. The psychological costs are equally large with anxiety, depression, eating disorders and other emotional illnesses associated with unmanaged stress.

To be simplistic, the solution is to pay attention, on purpose, in a systematic way, in the present moment. That is, we need to be mindful. This is the answer. We can develop a wise relationship with our sensory experience through mindful meditation. Mindful living is a way of life that urges people to find calm by connecting with the present moment.

Jon Kabat-Zinn, professor emeritus at the University of Massachusetts Medical School has spent much of his professional life bringing the medical world’s attention to the wisdom of the body and the healing that can happen when we get in touch with our senses and our mind. He has been a proponent of mindfulness – a Buddhist concept that can be best described as awareness. Awareness of everything, awareness of our senses, our body, our mind. Jon believes in using that awareness to learn to open up new dimensions of well-being and integrity, of wisdom and compassion and kindness in ourself.

He says: “Mindfulness is a certain way of paying attention that is healing, that is restorative, that is reminding you of who you actually are so that you don’t wind up getting entrained into being a human doing rather than a human being.”

When we practice mindfulness in our everyday life we are less caught up in and at the mercy of our destructive emotions, and we are then predisposed to greater emotional intelligence and balance and therefore to greater happiness because living mindfully gives us more satisfaction in our job, in our family and in our life in general.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Falling in LOVE with LIFE again - by Cristin

Article extracted from (page 26 & 27)

"Miracles happen when you stop trying to change what is and just let the Universe deliver the opportunities for happiness."

We can find ourselves emotionally stagnate and lost for many years at a time, carrying a negative belief system about what life ultimately holds in store for us. We can find ourselves moving between the light & dark moments, and due to our own actions, unable to provide our mind, body and soul the appropriate fuel needed to actually survive in a healthy manner.
We can feel as though we will never get what we really want, mo matter how hard we try - believing that life owes us, that we have done all the work and paid our dues in spades, yet have nothing to show for it.
To get different results we have to try another way. We all know this, but when we're knee deep in drama and feeling lonely or scared, there's a tendency to float toward people who don't have our best interests at heart, carry a negative belief system or keep ourselves frozen in time. Our belief system needs to be consistently open and positive so we don't miss out on grand opportunities for CHANGE because we're so focused on what we don't have.
Until we have learned how to master the art of LETTING GO, we will continue to experience the same thing over & over again. Believe me, I should know and it's not very much fun!
LETTING GO is a 1-2-3 process that takes an enormous amount of faith and time. When I say let go, I mean give everything up to the Universe and believe you are getting what you need to achieve the life you really want, even if it doesn't feel so great. It's easier said than done, but the results are nothing short of amazing.


All you're doing here is finding an understanding of the past and current situation, then training your brain to stop wanting to change what is. The only person you can control is YOU. This takes a lot of patience, but if you want something bad enough you'll stop at nothing to reach that goal, right? The goal being peace of mind and self-empowerment (just thought I'd be clear on that one!). The best way to stay on through this experience and it's just a stepping stone.


"To err is human, to forgive divine."
We've all heard that one and it's easier said than done - but it's totally possible. Again, you just have to want it bad enough. True forgiveness is breaking the cycle of playing the "BLAME game". This means letting go of who did what to whom and allowing yourself to be the victim. Relationships, no matter what kind, are a two-way street and each person needs to be 100% accountable for their role in the demise. It doesn't matter what the situation is. If you think you're ready to try and forgive someone, it's best to believe that their choice(s) don't affect you anymore, then release the person & situation to the Universe.


Depending on how strongly you were affected by the person and/or situation in question, steps 1 & 2 can take months or even years to complete. The timeframe is strictly up to you and nobody else. Moving on truly begins when you've hit rock bottom and are at the point where the only place you can go is up. This step is the action part of the process, but comes in 2 phases.

Phase 1 - The Back and Forth

You will probably swing from positive to negative thoughts regarding your past in the situation in question and your future. This is all very natural, however, should not be dwelled upon for very long. Feel the pain or angst, then let it go. Trust that all the work you've done is not only good enough, but profound enough to implement change in divine time.

Phase 2 -  Change Your Lifestyle

This is the time for Action. Take part in activities that you used to love or new ones that you know will make you happy. Get rid of all the dead weight, which includes leaving people and/or situations that bring you down. It's important to NEVER stay in a situation if your heart and soul are screaming agony. When invited to do something that is not a danger to your spirit, but is something you wouldn't normally do, try it. This is how the miracle of a life change occurs. All you have to do is OPEN YOUR MIND and MAKE A NEW CHOICE (BE MINDFULNESS). It could be the one that changes your life forever .......
The elements that can delay the letting go process and real change are as follows:-
  • Being fearful of the process and the future
  • Holding on to past anger and pain
  • Having a lack of faith in yourself
  • Beating yourself  up for things you think you've done wrong
  • Not putting forth a real effort to do some things differently
  • Not being fully accountable for your actions - past and present
  • Believing that your future will be the same as your past
  • Not accepting the reality of your situation (also know as DENIAL)
  • Comparing yourself and life to other peoples
As long as we're alive, we will never rid ourselves of the trials that life sends our way, but we can work through them and come out shining in the end. Remember, the only thing in life you can control are your own thoughts, feelings and actions (BE MINDFULNESS).  Also understand that this process should never be a competition between you and another. When you adopt that bad intent, it will not only hinder your progress, but will make you look bad to the people you're trying to impress.
So how you know when the process is working? Well, nobody's life is the same, but you will definitely start attracting situations and people that you feel are on the same page as yourself. You will be happier with the outcomes of those situations and will find stability within them. For the most part, your fear will have subsided and your confidence will sky rocket. Your faith will be restored. Most importantly, you will be attracting the life you want without feeling the need to manipulate. The result? You will finally start to fall in love with your life again.
I went through the process of letting go so many times in my life and for so many different reasons. I've tried working the system using a million methods, but the only one that worked was giving everything up to the Universe, truly believing I will get what I really want out of life.
Having complete faith in this process, God and the Universe could be the hardest venture you can undertake. Our beliefs carry immense power, and when you add thoughts, words and actions to the mix, you can end up in a place you didn't think was possible, good or bad.
 "Miracles happen when you stop trying to change what is ......"
For most people who feel like they're stuck in a hole they can't get out of, manipulation becomes the last resort to finding their way out. Manipulation is a very strong word that usually denotes negative connotation, but it doesn't always begin that way. When we're emotional about someone or something, trying to dictate what will be and how it should be done seems to be the most common,  reactive force. Through mine and others' experiences, I've found this method to be extremely unsuccessful.
There's only so much you can manifest and only so many wishes that can be granted as requested. If we're not doing something right, the Universe usually steps in to guide us in a direction that will actually produce results that is in our highest good. When we get to the point of no return, having a force we can't control taking over can feel like the worst thing that's ever happened to us. We can suddenly and dramatically find ourselves thinking "hang on, this isn't what I signed up for!" Actually, it's exactly what we signed up for, but it doesn't appear that way at first glance. Ok, not just the first.
LETTING GO IS NOT GIVING UP - it is waking up to our current reality and leaving all our great expectations at hell's gate. Letting go makes it  is possible to fall in love with the life that you thought you never wanted. It really is true: Miracles happen when you stop trying to change what is and just let the Universe deliver the opportunities for happiness.
The article was first published at CommunityServer/UserBlogPosts/MysticWonder01/Falling-In-Love-With-Life-Again--Part-Two/390915.aspx

About 2012


About 2012

We are in the midst of the Great Shift in Consciousness… can you feel it? Many of you are experiencing a feeling of time speeding up, a questioning of who you are and what life is about, and the inability to function in your old ways of living.
Since 1987 and the Harmonic Convergence, great waves of divine energy ‘The Waves of Love’ have been transmitted to Earth preparing us for the Great Shift as we approach 2012.
The year 2012 marks the end of many great cycles of time in particular the end of the 26,000 year Cycle and the 225 million Galactic year Cycle. The Mayan, Incan, Aztec, Hopi & Vedic traditions all acknowledge that 2012 marks the end of major cycles, and the beginning of a major advance in consciousness. The ‘Great Shift’ is the term for our journey toward 2012, and our birth into an awakened state of consciousness.
By 2012 we have the potential to transcend our old ways of being and come to live together in joy, peace and harmony. This Great Shift in Consciousness is happening to each and everyone of us, to our planet Earth, our Galaxy and our entire Collective Consciousness.
The following discussion details the Cycles that come to an end in 2012, what is happening astronomically and finally what will happen to Earth and humanity as we approach 2012.

The 26,000 year Cycle

Our Sun & hence our entire Solar System are part of a greater rotational cosmic cycle. Our Sun rotates through space around a Central Sun Alcyone. Alcyone is the brightest star in the sky and is part of the Pleiades constellation. Our Sun is one of 8 stars rotating around Alcyone.
One complete rotation takes 26,000 Earth years to complete, spending around 2200 years in each of the twelve constellations of the zodiac.
In 2012, the Earth and our Solar system completes a 26,000 year cycle whilst we are in the Age of Aquarius (moving from the Age of Pisces). When we are in the Age of Aquarius it represents the return of the feminine, the Goddess/Priestess, and a return to BEing pure Love in the Golden Age.

The 225 million Galactic Year Cycle

The Pleiades has its own rotational spiral/spin within the Galaxy, as the Milky Way Galaxy itself spins on its axis, the Galactic Centre (which is the centre bulge in the middle of the Milky Way).
A full axis spin of The Milky Way takes 225 Million Earth years to complete. In 2012 our Central Sun Alcyone will have effectively completed a full 225 million year rotation of the Galactic Centre, birthing us into a higher consciousness and state of being.

The Photon Band

Running through the Galactic Centre of the Milky Way is a photon band of light. The band transverses all the way through the Milky Way and through our Central Sun Alycone and beyond.
The Photon Band is made up of photons which are the smallest possible particles that act as carriers of electromagnetic energy. A Photon has zero mass, no electrical charge and travels in a vacuum at the speed of light
As we move into 2012, our Sun and entire Solar System will be fully within the Photon Band, our Central Sun Alcyone (and one of its stars Maya) will be within the Band and of course the Galactic Centre of the Milky Way is within the Photon Band. Thus all suns are fully within the photon band by 2012.
The photon band is one of the integral elements awakening humanity and raising our vibrational frequencies. The band has been one of the core facilitators in directing Love Wave energies to Earth.


The Lead up to 2012

By 2012, when our Sun, our Central Sun Alcyone and the Galactic Centre are all aligned within the Photon belt, we have the opportunity of fulfilling The Great Shift. A shift into a more conscious way of being.
In assisting us with The Great Shift many stellar beings are assisting our transition such as the Pleiadians & Sirians all under the direction of the Galactic Federation.
The Great Shift is happening now! It started during 1987 (referred to as the Harmonic Convergence) which marked the 25 year time span to 2012. At this time, the Galactic Centre began transmitting a certain frequency of energy waves, called ‘Waves of Love’, to assist with our transition to 2012.
Thus it is time for humanity to align with these waves, and do the work NOW to ensure a peaceful and loving transition into 2012. The Great Shift is not an event that occurs in December 2012, it is our transition leading up to 2012 into a greater consciousness.

So what can I do NOW?

From the 7 July 2007, the Galactic Centre of the Milky Way begins to emit a very specific frequency named ‘The Wave of Love’. Thus humanity is being given an opportunity to work with this energy on all levels of their being – Physical, Emotional & Spiritual – in order to awaken dormant energy centres, and begin vibrating at higher levels of resonance.
The Wave of Love the Movie is a gift to help humanity in our ascension process, the process of Being Love. Simply by viewing the movie and its symbolic representation of creation, activation and ascension through sacred geometry, we become conscious. As more and more people awaken, we have the potential to make the Great Shift a loving and peaceful golden cycle.
To find out more about the physical, emotional & spiritual effects for humanity and what we can do during the lead up to 2012 – see ‘Stage I – 777 Activation’.
To find out more about The Wave of Love & The Wave of Love the Movie click here