Thursday, October 21, 2010

“心灵运动”与 "瑜伽饮食科学观”之间的关系



身体的不舒服会通过不同的方式告诉我们,比如:慢性/急性疼痛、轻微刺痛、麻痛、烧灼般的感觉反应在我们的身体某部位,这都是一些重要的讯息你的身体尝试利用神经系统的反应作用传达一些你对身体所忽略的关爱。若从另外一个角度来看,以“心”来观察入微的话,深度进入“静心”状态,身体上的病痛往往源自于个人的“心”的状态,例如:个人情绪如何对来自周遭(工作、家庭、社交压力)所做出的反应。负面的情绪反应很多是源自儿时或多生多世所遗留下来的现世或过去世创伤,这些障碍会不断地重复发生在情绪层面上,进而发展成身体上的慢性或急性文明病。一个人想致力于重拾个人健康,首先必须从“饮食”著手(也就是 ‘选对的食物给对的身体’,这是初步提升“身体”的能量),包括吃有机食物(以生机饮食法准备食物、少盐、少油、谢绝味精(MSG)等),这一切只是维持“身体”迈向健康的粗糙能量。身体的锻练如上所诉的养生运动,是准备好让身体慢慢进入“心”的状态。若我们能配合养生运动以外学会锻炼我们的“心”,我们的健康将会获益不浅。何以如此呢? 坊间“静心”的法门多的不胜数,重点是如何帮助个人提升“精细”能量,转而改善个人身体上的病痛呢?我们的心灵好比我们的身体般也需要一些运动,也就是所谓的“心灵运动”。




Extracted from here.

Many Entities Not Yet Decided Which Way To Go
They will either become more spiritual inclined, or more materialistically inclined and much of what you are seeing in society today is part of this separation, or the opportunities whereby entities may choose to go with the merchants of death, and entities will choose to go with the promoters of life. But many entities have not decided yet; they have both good and bad qualities and there are some who are being tempted to go toward the drugs, to go towards the violence, to go toward profit through death and destruction, and they may make their choice to go in that direction.

Others may choose to give up anything in that direction and move toward service and consideration and concern for those who need greater life enhancement, and they may go away from the negative toward the light, toward helping and serving others. This Awareness indicates that as time progresses the division between these two extremes will become more clear, more polarized, so that when indeed the split occur, those who go toward the dark material practice will be well defined in in that direction and those who go into the higher dimension and spiritual creation will be really defined in their direction.

This Awareness indicates those who still, even at that time remain near the center, will be torn and have circumstances whereby they decide quickly which way they will go, and they will choose and they will make their choice to go toward light or toward darkness.

The Separation of the Wheat From the Chaff
In other words, the more spiritual aspect will be essentially an action in a higher dimension, an action of creation in a higher frequency or vibrational level that is dimensionally higher than what has been previously. This will be equated to that term which has been spoken of in the bible as the separation of the wheat from the chaff.

The spiritually evolved entities will leave into a more spiritual evolved energy world or creation, while the unevolved entities will tend to go back to the materialistic terrestrial and unevolved levels of matter. This Awareness indicates that it is a though there are two types of entities: those who promoting life and the spiritual way; those who are merchants of death, whose occupations help to bring death of create death through destruction, through efforts to destroy, through war, violence and activities that lead to death.

Entities of this type will move into a lower Dimension
The drug dealers, the warriors, those who slaughter, slay and destroy everything living, whether it be plant, animal or human, and those entities, merchants of death, will go toward a dead and dying planet, whereas the living part of the earth, the life force of earth, the aura of the earth which sustains and gives life on earth, will tend to pull away from the material earth and rise into another dimension, carrying with it the souls and spirits of entities who have been known as promoters of life.

These entities will move into a Higher Dimension
Those who serve one another for the good of all, those who help heal each other, those who promote joy and harmony, those who encourage spiritual growth, those who exude love towards life, towards one another, those entities will separate and move with that aura of the earth as it goes into a higher dimension.

It will appear to them that nothing has changed; that they are still in the same form, except the world will be a much better place in which to live. This Awareness indicates those who stuck with the dead and dying program, those merchants of death, will go with the more gross materialistic energies of the earth as it drops into its darker mode and they will find themselves caught in a world without much spiritual light, and perhaps vague memories of a time when things were different, when there were good people in the world.

This Awareness indicates it would be comparable to, for example, a world in which the people are much like those found in the movie Mad Max, or Read Warrior movies that showed a time in the future, when civilization has essentially destroyed and there is nothing left but people fighting over the remnants of energies, of goods, and of properties and a willingness by these entities to destroy anyone that gets in their way.

A World Like a Living Hell
A world of this kind would be more or less a living hell compared to what entities enjoy at present. This Awareness indicates that if you can imagine the good people taken into a higher dimension and leaving those merchants of death to inherit the lower aspects of the earth, materially, this is a kind of separation that entities can expect in the year 2013.
(Revelations Awareness 2000-4 issue no. 525)