Extracted from here.
This Awareness indicates it appears that many changes are in store for the earth, but it does not appear that an apocalypse of the kind foretold by prophets or old or recent times is imminent. There may be certain sections or areas in which apocalyptic events may occur in a limited form. It appears that there can be earth quakes. There can be still wars. There can be famine; but these are seen as isolated events, and not of global or universal to all human.
Gross Human Body Will Change by Year 2012
The human race is seen as that which endures through these coming years and that the year of 2012 and 2013 may seen the end of the human body as you presently know it in a physical sense, but it will also be the beginning of a higher vibrational body, a body that is much more spiritual and etheric in nature, but one that has the same or similar appearance and allows for similar feelings, perhaps more sensitive than the more gross material body that will change.
Those With Gross Material Values May Not Adjust
Therefore, the changes that occur will be changes into a higher frequency type of body. It is not apocalypse, but a blessing for humanity; but it may be there will occur certain unpleasant experiences for some entities as they move through the transition. This Awareness indicates that this will be especially difficult for those entities with extremely gross material values, unable to adjust to the higher frequencies.
Entities with extremely heavy karma, entities depending on drugs, or involved with crime may find it more difficult to adjust to the changes, especially as the higher refined bodies develop greater psychic powers that allow more insight, so that these lower unevolved beings cannot function as well because everyone can see their negativities, their motives, even their thoughts.
This Awareness indicates that essentially, as humans evolve into the next dimension, those who are unable to allow may lag behind in a lower reflection of material reality and the entities may find themselves being shifted onto another planet, wherein the frequencies are not so high. The entities would of course desire this, because the increased frequencies actually would cause them suffering and pain, if they are unable to adjust.
(Revelations of Awareness 99-2 issue no. 512)
Some Will Choose The Merchants of Death, Others The Promoters of Life
This Awareness indicates that in order for entities to be separated or categorized as promoters of life or merchants of death, a greater polarity must occur, for many entities are a dichotomy, or a mixture of both qualities. An entity may promote life and be spiritual, and at the same time, have certain aspects of a highly negative nature that even promotes death.
Some entities might even be involved in ordering the death of others while at the same time, promoting some good work that saves the lives of others. These entities may be balanced in such a way that the negative and the positive are almost equal in them. This Awareness indicates that in the time between now and 2013, this balance will shift and entities will become more one-sided or the other.
Will be continue ............. (Part 2)
This Awareness indicates it appears that many changes are in store for the earth, but it does not appear that an apocalypse of the kind foretold by prophets or old or recent times is imminent. There may be certain sections or areas in which apocalyptic events may occur in a limited form. It appears that there can be earth quakes. There can be still wars. There can be famine; but these are seen as isolated events, and not of global or universal to all human.
Gross Human Body Will Change by Year 2012
The human race is seen as that which endures through these coming years and that the year of 2012 and 2013 may seen the end of the human body as you presently know it in a physical sense, but it will also be the beginning of a higher vibrational body, a body that is much more spiritual and etheric in nature, but one that has the same or similar appearance and allows for similar feelings, perhaps more sensitive than the more gross material body that will change.
Those With Gross Material Values May Not Adjust
Therefore, the changes that occur will be changes into a higher frequency type of body. It is not apocalypse, but a blessing for humanity; but it may be there will occur certain unpleasant experiences for some entities as they move through the transition. This Awareness indicates that this will be especially difficult for those entities with extremely gross material values, unable to adjust to the higher frequencies.
Entities with extremely heavy karma, entities depending on drugs, or involved with crime may find it more difficult to adjust to the changes, especially as the higher refined bodies develop greater psychic powers that allow more insight, so that these lower unevolved beings cannot function as well because everyone can see their negativities, their motives, even their thoughts.
This Awareness indicates that essentially, as humans evolve into the next dimension, those who are unable to allow may lag behind in a lower reflection of material reality and the entities may find themselves being shifted onto another planet, wherein the frequencies are not so high. The entities would of course desire this, because the increased frequencies actually would cause them suffering and pain, if they are unable to adjust.
(Revelations of Awareness 99-2 issue no. 512)
Some Will Choose The Merchants of Death, Others The Promoters of Life
This Awareness indicates that in order for entities to be separated or categorized as promoters of life or merchants of death, a greater polarity must occur, for many entities are a dichotomy, or a mixture of both qualities. An entity may promote life and be spiritual, and at the same time, have certain aspects of a highly negative nature that even promotes death.
Some entities might even be involved in ordering the death of others while at the same time, promoting some good work that saves the lives of others. These entities may be balanced in such a way that the negative and the positive are almost equal in them. This Awareness indicates that in the time between now and 2013, this balance will shift and entities will become more one-sided or the other.
Will be continue ............. (Part 2)